11- NEW PALETTE                 ESC [ 11 ; c1 ; c2 ; c3 ; ... ; c15 ; c16 !

    Sets the palette to the sixteen colours C1-C16 [you must enter all 16
    colours even if you are just in 8-colour mode!]  The parameters C1-C16
    are decimal numbers arrived at in the following way:

    Take a grey, for instance, whose R-G-B value is 12-12-12.  Then convert
    that to C-C-C (since 12 is hex $0C).  Now take the hex number CCC and
    convert back into Decimal, which gives you 3276.

    NOTE: Unless you are a massochist, I'd suggest using SKYPAINT since it
    does all of the above automatically.  Even if you just need to set the
    palette, load up SKYPAINT and begin recording, go to the palette screen
    and set it to what you want, then end recording.  You can then look at
    the tiny file you created and tell what ESC [ 11 command is needed in
    your final project.

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